The Students Taking Ownership Mentoring Project (S.T.O.M.P.) is a countywide initiative designed to decrease instances of violence by reducing moral and interpersonal conflict and instilling a value system that encourages positive emotional, spiritual, and social development. Anticipated outcomes positively impact youth ages 7-17, their families, and the community.
STOMP focuses on five strategic areas: Opioid and Substance Use Prevention Intervention, Trauma-centered Therapy, Mental Health and Counseling Services, Enhancing Relationships and Fostering Community, and Employment Training and Workforce Development.
Services are offered in a safe and productive environment (S.T.O.M.P. Safe/Recovery HUB). Youth and their families are encouraged to be introspective, empowered to lead, and equipped to address aggressive or violent behaviors and mental, social, and economic triggers.

Each S.T.O.M.P. Safe/Recovery HUB will educate and inspire potential Youth Leaders to raise awareness of issues affecting their communities and facilitate deliberate action plans and strategic solutions to deter violence.
Each quadrant delivers evidence-based programs, services, and proven support systems led by trauma-informed Team Ambassador Leaders. Team ambassador leaders provide consistent mentorship, advocacy, and trauma-informed strategies to encourage positive emotional, spiritual, and social development.
S.T.O.M.P. has four overarching project goals to address the identified risk factors associated with violence.
The project goals are:
Increase community awareness of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), opioid & substance use disorders, and trauma-informed care.
Develop moral reasoning through biblical principles, faith-based equipping sessions, and peer-led initiatives.
Create safe spaces for participants to come together, engage in social activities, and express themselves healthily and respectably.
Break cycles of adversity through skills development, recovery support services, reverse and peer group mentoring, arts-infused learning experiences, and an efficient, holistic, interconnected system of care for youth and their families.
The anticipated outcomes of this initiative are realized over six phases. The success of those outcomes is measured by several evaluation methods, including self-evaluation surveys, interviews, forms, and forms over time, against a pre-determined set of criteria (Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Graduates are assessed on a semi-annual basis.
C.A.E. Resilient Church Equipping Solution:
This equipping solution provides pastoral care, recovery, grief, elder care, and crisis intervention training opportunities to empower congregants to adopt the attitude, skills, and knowledge to become a resilient church community.
C.A.E. POSITIVE Disruption:
Character & Leadership Development Training is C.A.E.’s required core curriculum for all ages. This course involves group sessions that allow the participants to gain insight into the differences between values, attitudes, and behavior to encourage an intrinsic desire to change.
Mentors Coalition: Parent and Family Engagement Program:
This program involves parents and their youth working together to create a community that values young people while developing the skills they need to build healthy families.
C.A.E. Prep4Work™ Workforce Readiness Solution:
Prep4Work™ specializes in minimizing the gaps between opportunities and readiness. Youth and adult participants will learn practical job-finding skills, earn industry credentials, practice positive and professional behavior, and explore their strengths and values.
C.A.E. TV Productions Media Program:
This project-based visual arts program provides technical instruction and practical experiences for aspiring videographers and filmmakers. Participating students will assist in the production of C.A.E. branded TV Shows.
C.A.E. SWAGG Station Dance Web Show:
This show documents monthly youth recreational dances designed to create connectivity and fun-filled safe spaces in partnership with Prime Universal Mercer County Network. C.A.E.’s SWAGG Station is loosely based on the CBS variety show Soul Train and presented on the World Wide Web and Amazon Fire and Roku streaming devices. Go to SWAGG Station Page Here.
Government Agencies & Elected Officials
Bruce Rosa, Mercer County Sheriff
John Libonati, Mercer County Coroner
Pennsylvania Parole Board – Mercer District
Faith-Based Organizations
Bethel Life Worship Center
Flash Fellowship
Kingdom Unification
LIFE Center – Greenville
Monarch Care Global Ministries, Inc.
New & Living Way Apostolic Church
One Kingdom Ministries
Valley Baptist Church
Capable Kids, LLC
Encompass Consulting, LLC
Griffin Legal Group, LLC
Haven Professional Counseling, LLC
Lesson’s on the Lake Music Academy, Inc.
London Bridges Consulting, LLC
Mercer County Behavioral Health Commission
OneBodyBrand, LTD
Operation Lighthouse Project
Parkside Psychological Associates, Inc.
Pleasant Renovations, LLC
Prime Universal Mercer County Network
The 9ine Media Group Services, Inc.
The Oaks at Haven, Inc.
The Truthpreneur, LLC
Zion Education Center - CYPEN Division
C.A.E. introduced the S.T.O.M.P. initiative in 2012 after a series of homicides rocked the Canton, Ohio, community. Approximately 45 agencies within the community, in partnership with the Canton City Police Department and Canton City Schools, united to support the strategic plan to combat violence. Approximately 152 students were impacted each consecutive year.
For more information, please download the brochure here. Or, you may call us at (866) 961.2239.
This initiative is endorsed by the Mercer County Behavioral Health Commission, Inc.