Blessed be the God ... of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4, RSV)
The Church's Role in Trauma-Informed Care
One reason people come to a church is to find healing, understanding, and ways to help others find a sense of peace and comfort. Many arrive with past or ongoing trauma, hoping to find sanctuary, but not knowing how or whether it is safe to ask for help. The purpose of becoming a resilient church is to raise awareness of the importance of listening, learning, and responding with love in ways that enhance collective healing and unity.
The Solution
C.A.E.'s Resilient Church Equipping Solution™ is a course rooted in the biblical principles of Ephesians 4. Its purpose is to equip church ministry leaders with a scriptural framework for trauma healing and to offer strategies for nurturing a resilient and thriving church environment.
Courses are presented in a hybrid learning format, lasting 1.5 hours, which blends conventional in-person sessions with various online learning activities.
Learning Modules:
Module 1: Navigating Trauma with Awareness: Innovative Trauma-Informed Strategies. Four (4) Sessions, including:
One-day Intensive - Session Topics:
a) Identifying your Kingdom Authority In Christ: “Kingdom Identity”
b) Ephesians 4 Mandate explored: "The Importance of Equipping."
Module 2: Revolutionizing Pastoral Care: A New Approach for Modern Challenges. Two (2) Sessions, including:
One-Day Intensive - Session Topics:
a) Establishing Honor: "The Blessing in Honor."
b) Identifying your sphere of influence: “Cultivating Vision Alignment.”
Module 3: Eldercare Evolved: Redefining Care for the Golden Years. Two (2) Virtual Sessions
Learning Objectives:
Identify trauma
Pastoral Care Solutions for Senior Pastor
Develop a working relationship with laypersons to accept and express all the feelings related to grief
Decrease trauma-related stress and disease
Learn therapeutic communication skills
Provide primary care to older adults by incorporating appropriate preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic interventions.
Coordinate care, including collaboration and consultation with other health professionals and caregivers.
Understand how traumatic experiences affect brain development, memory, and child development.
Understand the importance of collaboration with agencies that provide trauma-informed practices.
Recognize the importance of trauma-informed practices incorporating a biblical perspective on healing.
Add-on Modules:
Participants who have completed Modules 1 - 3 can register for additional training.
Add-On Module 1: Grief & Recovery Care Focus - Two (2) Sessions, including:
One-day Intensive - Session Topic:
a) Change Readiness Assessment Training
Add-On Module 2: Systems Focus - One (1) Session, including:
One-day Intensive - Session Topics:
a) Personal and Ministry SWOT Analysis
b) Ministry Action Plan Development
Add-On Module #3: Senior Care Aide® Certification – Eight (8) Virtual Sessions
For questions regarding coursework, please contact Michele Irby at (866) 961-2239 ext. 5
This project is in collaboration with
Haven Professional Counseling, One Kingdom Ministries, and Monarch Care Global Ministries.
What Does a Trauma-informed Church do?
1. Realizes the widespread impact of trauma on those the church is ministering to and alongside
2. Recognizes the signs and symptoms of trauma in the men, women, and children it serves as well as the effect living with a traumatized family member has on all family members and relationships
3. Responds to the needs of its congregation and community by integrating knowledge of trauma into the planning of ministries, policies, and stewardship of the church's resources
4. Resists Re-traumatization of victims that can occur when recognition of trauma is not combined with compassion and de-stigmatization of mental health treatment.

A CAE Gospel Division Program
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