C.A.E. partners with community professionals in the public and private sectors to provide access to childcare, transportation, affordable housing, mental health, substance support services, food accessibility, and education resources to improve the quality of life, family, and community.

There is strength in numbers. Partnerships allow various individuals, businesses, and organizations to join together and make even more significant strides in improving their community and the world. Partnering together either in your area or nationally can provide many benefits to further your mission. What exactly can a partnership do for your business or organization?
Save on administrative costs
Improve range of services
Bring about new ideas
Increase brand exposure
Strengthen advocacy voice
Expand programs
About Partnering with Community Arts Experience, Inc. (C.A.E.)
Our experience with alternative learning led us to analyze how community professionals could best work together to create a significant education hub to develop non-traditional strategies that would best benefit individuals in dire need of the training and support services that we provide.
Over the past decade, C.A.E. developed a coalition-based approach to mobilize community professionals to engage in public action and volunteering to resolve high crime, high unemployment rates, high drop-out rates, chronic disease, mental health, and substance use disorders.
New partnerships that help advance the work of our organization are always welcome. C.A.E. is interested in partnering with individual artists/instructors, organizations, or companies with solid brand images and reputations. Any prospective partner must have a strong mission and be an industry leader, whether new or established. Critical factors for evaluating a potential partner include the partner's ability to leverage its assets, raise awareness, make a corporate contribution, and/or raise funds and engage its employees and leadership, locally and nationally.
VIP Access
As a NEW partner, you get exclusive VIP access to a comprehensive portfolio of personal, professional, and business development resources and training — and you connect with professional industry experts across the Nation. Business support services are provided at a deep discount to allow you to focus on the activities that will drive your business forward:
Program Assessment and Evaluation
Project Management
Graphic & Web Design
We look forward to discussing how we can work to transform culture collectively. If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call Ms. Traci Gregory toll-free at (866) 961-2239, ext. 7.